Court Reporters in Aurora-Illinois

Court Reporters Aurora, Illinois

(800) 528-3335

Aurora is a city in the state of Illinois and a suburb of neighboring Chicago. Aurora’s history is steeped in the manufacturing industry, and the city made headlines in 1881 for being one of the first in the United States to have an all-electric street light system. Today, Aurora’s impressive architecture, with structures by Frank Lloyd Wright and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, and lively entertainment make it one of the fastest-growing cities in the country. NAEGELI is located in the heart of downtown Aurora. Available 24 hours a day, the NAEGELI Aurora office is located 10 miles from the Aurora Municipal Airport. NAEGELI offers multiple conference rooms, equipped with the latest technology and a modern feel.


Court Reporting


Remote Depositions

Trial Support


Copying & Scanning


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